Way back when we had some great discussion on our blog when we asked folks what their favorite rods were to use when fly fishing for trout and bonefish (err, not at the same time, of course). In fact we felt like we learned enough that we should write up some conclusions for each, which we did for trout here and for bonefish here.
Today we’re asking the same question, but we’re talking about fly fishing for steelhead.
What’s your favorite steelhead rod?
Yes, we know that sometimes you fish dry lines and sometimes you fish heavy tips, sometimes you fish single-handed rods and sometimes you fish double-handed rods, and sometimes you fish the Kispiox and sometimes you fish the Klamath. You might have 9 rods for 13 different fisheries, and that’s all good and well. We just want you to pick one – what’s your favorite?
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So, what’s your favorite steelhead rod? Why?
My favorite summer rod is a 13′ 6 wt Meiser “S” rod. My favorite winter stick is a 12’6″ Meiser MKS
My favorite spey rod has to be the T&T 1307, smooth and powerful.
Godshall made 13″ 8″ 7/8 with Godshall Skandit Line, Meiser 11″7″ 5/6/7 with matching Skandit Line. Makes you smile when fishing these rods….
Meiser 11′ Switch, with new Skandit line. I fish the Grande Ronde, and the Snake,both in the same hour…..I never apologize for my rod, I just smile and enjoy.
Beulah Platinum 7wt 13.2 couple to a Rio Flight 525GR. I fish lake Ontario tributaries in the US and Canada both drys and sinkers.
My favorite is the 11’7″ Meiser 5/6/7 Highlander Classic coupled with the new 450Gr Skagit Swith for Steelhead, or a 420Gr Scandi for BIG late summer river smallmouth on top.
9ft Wright & McGill Granger Double Duty
Sage 7126-4 TCX is my favourite (at the moment). FD
Impossible question you know.
Summer – 7127-4 Burkheimer
Winter – 8134-4 Burkheimer
Nostalgia time – a Sage 9’6″ RPL III I built from a seconds blank 25+ years ago, used with a WFF 7 line. Easily casts most of a line las if on autopilot. Many memorable steelhead landed over the years on rivers all over Oregon – and still going strong…
TFO 9 weight 9’6′
Old school and proud of it… Scott 1008 ARC Super-Modified with custom lower grip (instead of a fighting butt) to facilitate two handed deliveries when needed. What a great steelie and salmon rod! Also, for summer fish, the Sage SP 7100/3… Thanks for asking!
For BC, the TCX 8119. For all around, Meiser Highlander S 1307.
Sage 7136 z-axis. Just love how it feels.
Ross Reach 13’7″, 500 grain Ambush, 12′ T-8, Famous Grouse Gold
Its the rig I caught/realeased my first steelhead on the spey
winston B111X 107 for midwest nymph fishing
SIngle hand-Slate Creek Fly Rod c0. 9064 z-axis blank
Spey- SCFRC 7126 ONE blank coming soon!
Decho 13′ 7wt, wit compact Skagit 540 & 12′ t14. I havnt fished many rods but this set up is pretty nice.
Sage 7126-4 TCX with 540 gr head. all around great stick.it can do no wrong! makes up for all my spey casting faults……
Winston BIIX 13’3″ 7/8 matched with a Hatch 9 Plus; 480 Grains Airflo Skagit Compact; 200 yards 30# Dacron Backing and 30# Ridge Running Line.
My favorite is SAGE Xi3 action 7 9 feet
Meiser 11’0″ 4 pc 7/8 wt. Highlander
Mike Maxwell 13.5 foot Spey rod.
7110 z axis
Meister Meiser’s 11’7′ 789. Wicked crazy taper. Steve Godshall’s Scandit line and thanks to Ron Hayashi for the R&D on the rod taper. An amazing rod.
Burkheimer 7134-4 for summer fish.
Burkheimer 9145-4 for winter fish & kings.
Sage ACR 71126-4 ‘Death Star’. Have two.
8 )
Tight Lines
Meiser 11’7″ 567 Highlander with Bob and Steve’s matching custom Scandit line.
Scott 1287 with Rio Skagit Short 625 gr.
Zebco 1piece, 36 inch Cinderella Pro Model…with shit loads of backing.
Hard to choose; but from the middle: CND 13′ 4″ 7/8 Solstice with Rio Midspey for tips or Beulah floater on J. Ryall spools.
Beulah Platnium 12’6″ 6wt.w/ Airflo 420 g Scandi
So sweet you have to remind yourself to fish and not just cast !
The one that I have a line on and that makes it to the run not broken.
7134 & 8152
sage 9140 4piece 9 wt sumer & sage 9150 4piece 9/10 wt winter
aierflo scagit 600gr rio scagit 600gr
light, easy to cast, 9150 has unbelievable power
For Highstick nymphing, my Beulah Platinum 10’4″ 6 wt w/ Rio 5/6 switch is pure heaven. My new Sage One 11’6″ 7 wt w/ 465 gr Rio Switch Chucker just might be my do it all sweetheart. It has been a long time since i have been so impressed with the performance of a rod/line combo. Nymphing or chucking 5-6″ articulated streamers w/ 10′ of T-11, this setup does it all in spades.
Winston 13’3″ 7wgt BII X or BIII TH
New at the game but have bought a Sage Z Axis 8134-4, have placed a Bauer Bogue 5 with Airflo Skagit Compact 570 Gr with Rio Slickshooter, and 200 yards of 30 pound backing. This was set up by Michael and Young fly shoppe.
Big – Sage 8119 Method
Small ball – Sage 7119 TCX switch
Nostalgia – FlyLogic Dec Hogan 8136
Ditto on the old school, ok Really old school…Sage 7 w. 2 piece “Launch”. It handles those Blistering Strikes..
Fenwick FF 85, 7-8-9 Wt.
For BC, TCX 8119. All around, Meiser Highlander S 1307
Without a doubt the Burkhiemer 8142 for floating line and the Burkheimer 9145 for sink tip and larger flies are the best rods I have fished with over my 40+ years of steelhead and atlantic salmon fishing.
Meiser 11’0″ 8/9 Highlander switch paired with a 525gr skagit short. Rod is an absolute cannon. Will bomb more line then my 12’6″ spey rod. Great for winter steelies and big chums. Such a pleasure to cast.
CF Burkheimer Vintage 13′ 4″ 4 piece 7 weight.
Meiser MKS 13’6″ 7/8wt.. Fabulous.. Huge grain weight capability
Meiser 6/7/8 13’0″ 6 piece.. absolutely incredible to cast, and very light
10′ 8wt G Loomis NRX