One of our go-to flies at Chile West is the Chubby Chernobyl by Idylwilde.
Depending on the color and size that you’re fishing, this giant dry fly might imitate an ant or a Cantaria beetle or a stonefly. We catch a lot of trout on Chubby Chernobyls, but we also love them as the dry in a dry-dropper rig (or dry-dropper-dropper or dry-dropper-dropper-dropper…).
Here’s why the ‘Chubby’ works so well in these combo rigs–
- It’s got enough foam that it floats really well, even when it’s weighted down with multiple nymphs and/or tungsten head nymphs.
- The dubbed body underneath the foam means that it looks good from below (apparently; it catches a lot of fish).
- The mega poly wings on top mean that, dressed properly, you can see this thing from the next county.
Speaking of dressing the Chubby Chernobyl properly, here’s a video about how to do just that!
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The big takeaway from the video is that after you apply floatant to the poly wing, comb it out!
So yeah…catches fish, floats great, easy to see…kind of sounds like the ultimate dry for a dry/dropper rig, doesn’t it?
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