Bonefish are the main reason to visit South Andros Island, but a few creature comforts never hurt.
One cool thing about our program at Andros South is that our standard pricing is based on single-occupancy lodging. That’s right – with our normal pricing, all our guests get their own room for the week!
Yes, you’ll spend most of your time on the flats or at the Slack Tide, but if you’ve ever gotten stuck with a snoring roommate for a week of fishing, you know that this is no small thing!
I will be with you on South Andros in early April and hate to ask, but have to know, do you have telephone (cell or hardwired) and/or internet access at the lodge? Thanks, PJ
Hi PJ, we’re looking forward to hosting you in April.
Yes, we have a phone available in our dining room for guest use, and we also have open wireless internet access. The internet access does occasionally go down, but you should be able to get online a few times during your stay.
Cell coverage is very patchy on our part of the island and it varies by carrier. AT&T’s signal is very weak at the lodge. Roaming rates are very high – over $2/minute.
Have a great trip!