Do you have a fly fishing-related web site?
We’re working on compiling a big list of web sites out there focused on fly fishing. In the coming weeks we’ll create a page on our site categorizing and listing every last one we can find.
If you have a web site focused on fly fishing, or if you know of any out there that you don’t think we should miss, leave us a comment in the form below and we’ll make sure to include you. If you don’t see the comment form or the current comments, just click the title of the post above.
Please make sure to include the URL in the body of your comment (not just in the Web Site field).
NOTE: If you’re reading this in a newsletter or a reader, just click the title of the post to visit our site and leave your comment.
Thanks guys.
Please include Fly Fishing Reporter
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Dear Deneki,
I follow you guys on twitter and love your updates. I am the carp guide for Wildcat Creek Outfitters.
Merry Christmas,
At http://www.theweeklyfly.com we provide free fly tying videos everyweek. We go beyond the standard handycam single angle vids you see on youtube. We film in HD tyers like Kelly Galloup, Bob Jacklin, Wayne Luallen, Sylvester Nemes, and many more (about 100 vids and counting so far). Big thanks to you guys at Deneki for compiling this list. Love the blog and the tweets.
Henry Harrison
Although not exclusively fly fishing, a big percentage of our non-profit organization’s anglers fly fish.
I know you’ve already got http://www.MoldyChum.com but do you have http://www.FishyKid.com and http://www.thefiberglassmanifesto.blogspot.com/
Second oldest fly fishing blog (by a couple of weeks) – http://www.anglerwannabe.com
Love the newsletters and updates! Hopefully I can take a trip to one of your lodges next year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I invite fly fishers to enjoy my web site, where I have a lot of fishing photos from all over the world and a summary of my travels over the last ten plus years. Enjoy!
Tight lines,
Terry Shultz
My web site is http://www.shultzexpeditions.org
Purely for the entertainment value which admittedly may not be worth much! My other site is for my series of kid’s fly fishing books:
Merry Fishmuch,
Kirk Werner
Hi Deneki, i’m big fan of your site, excelent resource
This web does not only offers fishing travels, it has a nice fly fishing articles resource about fishing down here in patagonia, looking foward to add info of Gallegos river, Santa cruz and another enviroments besides Strobel Lake
Thanks and congratulations on your site
I have a photo site that has a large gallery on fly fishing as well as Landscape and other outdoor related galleries.
I have a blog that mostly has reports of where I’ve been fishing and flies I’ve tied, with other information scattered in between. I live in California and mostly fish steelhead water.
Thanks everyone for checking in and for the good words on our site. This is going to be a great list.
Keep ’em coming!
Mainly a fly fishing blog here : http://www.outdooress.com/
Leaning towards the humorous and entertainment side of the fly fishing world.
Looking forward to the official list~
I think my other comment fell into the Internet Void~
My website is http://www.outdooress.com/
90% fly fishing site with a small mixture of other things found in the outdoors.
Looking forward to the official list……
I have a blog that I post articles and links to stuff I like at http://flyswinger.blogspot.com
I try to keep the content centered around Spey, because I think that, like other religions that hold the Truth, two-handed casting has been wrongfully persecuted and muffled in silence for over 200 years. But pretty much anything related to fly fishing and outdoorsy media is fair game, particularly when it’s too cold to fish. =)
For content that is too difficult for me to post in wascally blog format, I utilize a site under my domain name:
It is here that I am trying to get interest in developing an open-source SMS utility for conveying fishing info via the increasingly archaic technology once referred to as the “the plain ol’ cell phone.”
Last try ~ Two comments seemed to have gone into an Internet Void….
My website is http://www.outdooress.com/
Mainly fly fishing with a small touch of a few other outdoor activities.
Look forward to the official list!
Check out http://www.alaskaflyfishinggoods.com. The site has Alaska trip planning information, run timing charts, fish reports, and the largest collection of Alaska flies and beads on line.
Merry Christmas!
Brad Elfers
Please include mine
blog devoted 100% to flyfishing tale’s, pics, and patterns
Videos and photos from some past encounters…
Hi Rebecca,
We’ve got you! Our comments are moderated so there’s a bit of a delay between posting and seeing your comments. Thanks.
Hey Andrew,
Happy Holidays to you and yours. Like your new site – always a wealth of information. Don’t quit!
We are in northern California chasing winter steelhead in the coastal ditches while spending summers in Bristol Bay and Katmai National Park doing float trips for big rainbows
Thanks Andrew!
been doing it since 96
Built this site for personal reading. consider it the flyfishing blog roll on steroids. http://www.onlineflycentral. See about to understand more.
Count us in too please Andrew…
http://www.thehatchapp.com mostly
and http://www.corypratt.com has some additional info for my app and some fishing stuff
I wish I could think of something naughty to say so my comment would be held up in moderation. But I’m at home with my parents and grandmother and utterly on my best behaviour this week. Tres ladylike
So I got nothing.
But a fly fishing story tellin’ site to share:
cant wait for your Big List! Keep up the good work Deneki
Hmmm… thought I had already posted this… a blog all about bonefish.
My blog – fishing where Issac Walton used to stomp around
Middle Tennessee fly fishing http://www.southeasternfly.com
Our site with vids and fly tying instruction
Greetings Deneki.
Our Fly-fishing site is http://www.castingoutloud.com
A grassroots fishing, tying and enviromental issues site. We are working on growing legs and gaining traction on the online community. Robert McFarlane Toronto Canada.
Hello. It would be great if you could include my blog The Fiberglass Manifesto (http://thefiberglassmanifesto.com/) as well as Fishy Kid (http://www.fishykid.org/).
Merry Christmas!
Thanks, and Merry Christmas…
check out http://www.anglerspath.com/ or http://truckeetrout.wordpress.com/
anglers path is my blog and truckee trout belongs to a friend and myself.
Hey guys,
http://www.countrypleasures.com and our blog at http://countrypleasuresff.blogspot.com/
have a good winter
Thanks guys !
Hey Andrew,
Missed something the first time…
We are in northern Ca chasing coastal winter steelhead and in Alaska’s Bristol Bay and Katmai National Park doing float trips on the wild and scenic sections of the Alagnak River
Please include my website http://www.petesflyfishing.com.au from Hervey Bay Australia.
Pete Fry
Great idea! Thanks for putting together a resource of ff sites.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
We prefer fly rods of the longer variety:
95 % salt water species video and photography.
Tarpon, bonefish, refish, snook
Would like to be added if still possible.
Blog: http://flyfishsco.blogspot.com/
Our Main website: http://www.silver-creek.com/
Here’s my little fly fishing blog http://www.flatswalker.com — a saltwaterflyfishingguideblog, as it were. Mostly it’s stuff from my fishing journal – early years, rants, soliloquies, travels, etc – but also a few vids, pics, and just random fly fishing/conservation/marine related stuff.
PS It’s heavy on the writing and scarce on the fish porn.
Thanks for stopping by, WindKnot. You’re added!
I used to guide for the guys at Roaring Fork Anglers & Alpine Angling http://www.RoaringForkAnglers.com but I am their webmaster. We would like to be entered into your list of Fly Fishing websites.
Thanks Craig – you’re on the list.