Today we add to our list of universal fly fishing tips – rules that hold true no matter where in the world you’re fishing.
We’ve told you about one way to keep your boat clean and your boatmates happy – by putting trash in the cooler. Today’s tip is to clean off your boots (or your feet) every single time you get in a boat!
Tracking mud, sand and gravel around your boat doesn’t help anybody. That stuff ruins fly lines, creates a mess for the captain to clean up, and can make the deck slippery.
Our method is really simple. Don’t just step into the boat. Sit on the gunwale or the bow, slosh your feet around in the water, then lean back and swing your feet into the boat.
Always a good idea to carry a small amont of duct tape ( PA chrome) in your box-bag, sling, whathave you use, in case you need to make a quick fix on clothing-boots-attach reel to rod (serious repair), fix sun glasses, etc. Surprising what needs it will fullfill in an emergency.