Many of the most popular posts on our blog are those in which the best of the best in fly fishing give input and advice to the rest of us. We’re a little slow sometimes, but we noticed a pattern and decided…maybe we should do more posts with expert advice.
We’ve decided to formally assemble a panel of experts and run an ongoing series called – you guessed it – ‘Ask The Experts’. We’ll lob a wide variety of angling-related questions at our expert panel, and report results back with posts on our blog. Here’s the best part – you get to ask the questions!
Who Are The Experts?
It’s a pretty diverse group of master anglers spanning fisheries that include trout, salmon, steelhead, bonefish, permit and more. Guys like Dec Hogan, Brian O’Keefe, Tom Larimer, Bruce Chard, Rick Sisler, Brian Niska and Ed Ward stand at the ready to answer your questions.
What Kinds Of Questions?
Anything related to fly fishing. Some questions will be technical, some will be personal, and some might even be funny.
Some examples include
- What’s the most unusual item in your boat bag?
- What’s the first fish you remember catching?
- What leader material do you use for steelhead and why?
Our first round of questions will be going to the expert panel next week, so now’s your chance – leave us a comment with a question that you’d like to ask the expert panel, and keep in touch to get the knowledge! Just fill out the comment form below.
Guys – This is for any of you, but what's your favorite time of year to fish in Alaska and why?
A few questions:
How deep is the water?
Which way does the river flow?
Did that salmon just eat a dryfly?
Are you SURE this is a good fly?
How far to the ocean?
Where do you sleep?
And my favorite:
"Shouldn't we be over there?"
Have a great day!
@frysinger commented on twitter:
how many fly rods are too many? I can never tell.