It’s not often that we receive complaints from our guests, so we thought we’d share this scathing letter we recently received from Rebecca Garlock.
My Official Deneki Complaint Letter
It’s been exactly one year since I came home from a week of fly fishing for bonefish at Andros South and I have a couple of bones to pick over the following issues I experienced (suffered) as a direct result of a week at Deneki Fly Fishing paradise.
In No Particular Order
1) When I arrived home I was so high on fly fishing adrenaline that I promptly headed to the nearest Idaho river to keep the fly fishing mojo cranked up. My newly acquired tan was hidden (wasted) under thermal underwear and waders. What a shock to my Bahama climatized system that turned out to be! The Idaho cold never bothered me before Andros, so thanks for the location smackdown.
2) I discovered an injustice in setting the hook after my trip. In Andros, if you trout set you simply miss your bonefish. However, if you strip set on a trout, steelhead or salmon, you just break off a perfectly good fly. Way to foul up my hook set for the season.
3) Every fly fishing trip since returning from the Bahamas I’ve had a strong desire to cap the day off with a Kalik beer. However, there seems to be a shortage of Kalik Gold in Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Washington so in other words, you ruined beer time for me.
4) Not once have I returned from a fly fishing trip during the last year and been served a 5 course dinner where fabulous Bahamian cooks are heaping another serving on my plate and telling me I need to fatten up. Visions of that savory heaven spring up every time I’m trying to choke down my late night convenience store dinner. Pre-Andros Fly Fishing Food Staples: Ruined.
5) Not once have I gone into my backing since I left Andros South. Not once have I heard that glorious unstoppable peeling of line off my reel and I’ve hooked some nice enough fish over the last year. It’s made all fish since Andros seem wimpy and lacking in a certain fish bravado I experienced at your lodge. The thrill of “Fish ON” has been seriously diminished for me and I blame your legions of bonefish for putting a brown shadow over what was once ‘fantastic fishing’ on my home waters.
I could keep going on my list, but I think you’ll get the point I’m trying to make. All I ask is that you take responsibility for these Post-Andros residual issues I unknowingly brought home with me.
I imagine if I checked around with other anglers that have visited your lodge they would agree with me on many, if not all of my points.
In order to protect future innocent fly fishermen that are thinking about visiting your establishment, I strongly suggest you add a disclosure to your advertising. Something along the lines of:
Warning: Bonefishing at Andros South may cause a serious,
even permanent shadow over your regular fly fishing routine.
Known Side effects include: Daydreaming of bonefish and saving for an quick trip back.
Rebecca Garlock
I have almost the same complaints about Alaska West. All fishing in Alaska has ruined my lower 48 fishing for most of the above reasons.
AND BC West…Chasing the brutes called Chinooks the first week of the season, arms worn out from 45 minute battles, seeking recovery and comfort in “B” cooking…do you see a common denomiator here? It’s spelled “Deneki”!
I thought monoplies were regulayed by the Commerce Department!
some people are never satisfied!!!
Shoot, I have a tendency to complain and I’ve never been on a trip like that, which is all the more reason why I should never go on a trip like that.
Poor Rebecca. I’m almost relieved I did not make it this year to Andros. I will get to hear about it though after a couple of my regular clients visit. I will also experience a visit to Alaska West during the middle of my guiding season. That could spell trouble. Kirk should join me in Alaska, but he probably needs to mow the lawn again.
What’s a “lawn”… and what’s “mowing”? … sounds like something a cow does when it’s sick.
Fred, you are right–I do need to join you in Alaska. But if I did that, who would mow my lawn for me while I’m gone…Howard?
Really? I didn’t hear one complaint of:
You ruined my fishing
My life is over
I like my trout set
I don’t need backing
The only beer is kalek
I di hear that your desire for gas station food while there
Hm…. Bones. Bones. Bones.
So true… nothing is ever the same.
Lose of innocence!