We’re guessing that today’s post is going to hit home with a lot of folks. If you’re lucky enough to be able to share time outside with your family, Josh Mills’ post is probably right up your alley.
Josh lives in Spokane with his lab Murphy and his beautiful (and very pregnant!) wife Kallie. He spends a ton of time outside and has a really interesting well-written blog about fishing and hunting that you should check out.
Josh sent us a really original, meaningful guest post – a letter to his not-yet-born son. We loved it.
Thanks so much Josh!
Letter to My Son
I get to meet my new best friend in a week,
My first born;
My first born son.
Half of the emotion is the excitement of anticipation, the other half is a deer in headlights I am scared as hell but here we go feeling. Either way about it, he’s coming to join us like it or not.
I have lived a life so far with an extremely strong connection to the outdoor world. With an understanding mother and a father who lives to hunt and fish, my path in the outdoors was spoken for at very early age. Thank goodness I have a very, very understanding and patient wife.
The transference of being fish crazy wasn’t a hard sell for me at any point in my life. My father and I have been joined at the hip for as long as I can remember. From quietly waiting for a trout to take the bait as a toddler to today waiting for the elusive yank of a steelhead, fishing is deeply ingrained within my life. Taking up a fly rod a decade ago was a galvanizing event in my life and I haven’t looked back.
So it’s this impending change that has me thinking about what I am excited to share with my son, in a fishy, outdoorsy sense. The rest of this is written directly to him and I hope someday when he reads this, all these wishes have come true, or he aspires to make them happen. I hope you enjoy.

You’re about to join us, and it’s time to cast the net to the future to harness a bright future for you, whatever path you take. First and foremost, I wish for your health and happiness but I would be lying if I didn’t have a few other things I am excited to share with you as you grow up and progress from birth to manhood.
I hope you find the wonderment in fish themselves. They are transference of the natural world back to you.
I can’t wait to put you in this onesie that your mom found for you. I can’t tell you how excited I was when she showed it to me.

I hope you wake me up early on Saturday mornings and ask, “Daddy, can we go fishing.” I hope to never say no.
I hope pictures of you grinning ear to ear line our fridge and I will never stop taking those silly, goofy pictures.
I hope you get to see the twinkle in the eye of Grandpa when he swings up and lands a big steelhead. It’s a special sight.
I hope you see the look of love in Grandma’s eye when you tell her fishing stories. She will be your best listener and cheerleader.
I hope the wonderment of a night under the stars on a river gravel bar is as fun as it was for me when I was your age. Shooting stars are an amazing thing.
I hope you find the fun in even a poor day’s fishing because after all, you were fishing.
I hope that you get to know the joy of a wet dog in a drift boat.

I hope you look forward to a weekend trip with as much excitement as I do.
Riverbank sunrises are a special thing.
Check your pockets on your fishing trips because I hope you get one of your mom’s love notes in them.
I hope you find that wild cutthroat are wild gift worth protecting and that carp are pretty too.
I hope that spey casting will be right up there in coolness as baseball and football. I will help you with both. The ability to throw a nasty curve and a drop spey lasers both take practice.
When a steelhead takes your fly, I hope it feels like a lightening bolt.
Listen to the stories of older fisherman, including your father. Take what they say as 50% truth.
I hope that a fly tying vice will be your artistic canvas.

I hope you think that a new self bailing raft is cooler than a Ford Mustang or the newest iPhone.
For spring break, I hope you want to go to Bristol Bay instead of Cancun.
I hope one day you find the love of your life. Bonus points if she can double haul.
Most of all, and my biggest hope of all, is that I can share this all with you. My relationship with your Grandfather is rock solid because of all the time we spent together growing up, most of it either staring down a river or lining up the dogs to chase pheasants. You can’t buy quality time like that.
Fields and streams can be unbelievable teachers and can give you some of the greatest joys of your life. They can bring you relationships with the best people in the world. They can be the foundation of a honest and respectful life.
Respect them, cherish them, and protect them.
And one other thing…Always listen to your mother!
Dad’s Note–
Carson Mills joined us on Wednesday night at 9:25pm. He’s happy and healthy, weighing in at 9lb 6oz and trophy length of 22 inches.
Thanks for reading!
Just read with tears in my eyes!
That was a great way to start my Friday. Thansk so much for that inspiring letter and those very true words written to your son. Carson has no idea how lucky he is to be born into a family like yours!
I think Josh is going to be a great dad.
Congratulations from all of us, Josh!
What a great letter u wrote. U should be proud of the letter as well as your new born son. Congratulation to u and your wife. I love the outdoors too. I never met my biological father since he and my mother divorced when I was very young and he has passed, I believe. My Grandfather and stepfather sparked a big interest in nature/hunting/fishing in me at an early age and I still love it today. I have tried to pass this on to my children as well, as much as I can. I wish there was more time to spend with them and I did not have to spend so much time working to provide for my family’s needs in these trying times, but that is life I guess. Best wishes to u and your new family’s addition. There is nothing better than the outdoors and the time u spend there with family and friends. See u on the water.
David Jenson
How beautiful it made me cry.
Awesome read. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us.
Congrats on the addition to your family.
Oh yeah, if you’re Lab is anything like mine, he’ll be very happy when your son makes the switch to solid food…
Excellent. Thanks for that, Josh. There are many people I plan on sharing this with.
Hey Josh. This had me smiling and getting choked up at the same time. I wouldn’t trade the time I’ve had with my boys and dad outdoors for anything either. You’re going to have a ball. Best of luck to you and the missus!
Great site too. I look forward to reading more…
My Dad felt like you…he was the best man on earth! God took him from me and my brothers and Mom at the young age of 43. Never stop missing him for a moment…treasure every moment with your Dad…my children missed out on the most special Dad…
Great letter Josh! Congratulations and here’s to the many outdoor trips you will enjoy with your new best friend!