Alaska West Staff Profile:
Dan Brevelle
Fish Processing Whisperer and so much more
For anyone lucky enough to have joined us at Alaska West over the last 18 years, you probably met Dan Brevelle. And while you were in camp, you surely had a taste of his smoked salmon. Like the culinary delights Dan provides, he’s a tough guy to forget. Not only is he one of the funniest people you will ever meet, Dan definitely does his part to make your trip to Alaska West a memorable one. Among some many other things, Dan is the reason our guests have wonderful salmon to take home and eat all winter long. Dan is also our local comedian and if you’re lucky enough to be a part of his inside jokes, you’re in and you’ll be in stitches for the week. Not only well known for his eclectic use of retro clothing, accessories and old school fishing gear, Dan will often display his deep need to fly kites…with a fishing rod!
We (DO – Deneki Outdoors) sat down with Dan (DB – Dan Brevelle) to help you get to know him a bit better.
DO: So Dan, how long have you worked at Alaska West?
DB: My first season at Alaska West was 2002, which puts me up there with the elders… I have pretty much spent the summers of my adult life on the Kanektok. I’m sure you guys have the pics to prove it.

DO: What is your position at Alaska West?
DB: Ahh…who knows sometimes, but I do lead the setup and tear down crews for camp each year and I also do most of the cooking during that time. I’m the boss man for fish processing all season and I pretty much make the best smoked salmon in Western Alaska. I can also be a celebrity guest guide when needed (or begged) and I’ve done every job imaginable in camp. Including cleaning outhouses!

DO: Do you have any nicknames?
DB: Danzel or Wet Blanket! I’m sure there are others that I shouldn’t mention and some I have just forgotten about…we won’t go into how I acquired ANY of my nicknames.
DO: What do you do when you’re not working at Alaska West in the summer?
DB: In the off season I can usually be found putting boards together in appealing ways for rich people in the greater Seattle area. I guess that’s a fancy way of saying I do home renovations and new construction work in Washington. When I’m not working I might be found using bait while salmon fishing!!!

DO: What is something interesting about you that most people don’t know?
DB: Typically I try not to be interesting, but it doesn’t seem to be working wonders with the ladies though…
DO: Anything else you would like people to know about you?
DB: Sure, but you’ll have to track me down at camp next summer to find out, I’m going fishing….

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