Congratulations to Eric Dawson from Oklahoma City, OK! Eric won our free trip to Alaska West and is currently picking dates for his trip.
Sign up for our weekly newsletter by July 15th and you’ve got a chance to win a free trip to Alaska West. Really? Really.
We send out a newsletter containing all of our blog posts for each week, and we want you and your friends to sign up. Anyone who subscribes to our weekly newsletter before July 15th, 2009 will be entered into a drawing for a free trip to Alaska West, good any time in 2009 or 2010 subject to availability. If you’re already signed up, don’t worry – you’re entered!
Here’s how to subscribe and enter the drawing-
- If you’re not there already, go to https://deneki.wpengine.com/.
- Enter your email address into the ‘Weekly Email Newsletter’ field at the top of the middle column of our blog and click the submit button.
- When you receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription, click the confirmation link. This is a necessary step in completing your subscription and being entered into the drawing for the free trip.
Here are the rules:
- The winner will be selected on July 15th.
- The prize is one free trip to Alaska West for one angler any time during our 2009 and 2010 seasons, subject to availability. 2010 availability will be based on 2009 rebookings, and our 2010 availability will be ready on September 15th, 2009. Double-occupancy lodging, guided fishing with two anglers per boat, and food are included. Travel to Quinhagak, Alaska and gratuities are not included.
- Only one entry per person.
- Only confirmed suscribers will be entered – readers who don’t click the subscription link in our confirmation email will not be entered.
- To be eligible, readers must be subscribed on July 15th, 2009.
You can unsubscribe if you like after July 15th, but if you like to fly fish, we’re betting you’re going to like reading our newsletter each week.
Thanks and good luck. You might want to pass this one on to your friends!
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